Maps need to be high res, they are very blurry at the moment.
Would like a feature to display which way Im looking compass on map for my location. Not map rotate, just a which way Im looking vision cone.
Need a way to resume a stalled download. Currently if map download fails it either does a complete retry wasting data plan bytes or gives up at which point you have to delete that guide and download it again.
Restore previous purchases should NOT download again items that are already downloaded, should only restore missing items or missing maps.
Home button should be first, I often forget how to get back to the list of guides.
Filtering by category not perfect, for ex when I choose restaurants I see some items which are NOT restaurants.
Color of each category page should match color of tab on filters list. Currently all pages are green.
All Map button not needed, all it does is zoom out which I can do with pinch.
Need a way to buy packs or countries or some kind of volume discount, if you buy many cities it quickly becomes expensive.
EdiPhone about Spotted by Locals travel guide